Friday, July 25, 2008

Wow, About 8 inches!

OK, a shower and removal of the bandage have revealed about an 8-inch incision. Yipes. Jewel and I hung out yesterday and today. Fortunately she is such a total pleasure to be with, AND equally fortunately my incision isn't interfering with my range of movement of my right arm. We had a fun time yesterday, and today after mom and dad came home, Nancy and I went out to see "Mamma Mia!" It was really fun, and poor Pierce Brosnan can't sing worth a crap, but the yucks just kept on coming. Glad to get home and rest for a bit. Jenn and I are going to a 3-day event tomorrow in downtown Atlanta. Right now, though, I'm happy to take a pain pill and fall out for a bit. My eyes need to close for a while. Peace to you and those you love.


Calypso said...

From what I read I can assume you're doing great after your surgery.
Good for you! I hope the procedure will make you feel more comfortable.
Apropos...I dreamed I had a double mastectomy, but my scars were way under the boobs and my nipples were left in place.
You musta been on my mind last night.
Relax this weekend!!!
Good to have you back again, can't wait to read more bout your trip!

watercolordaisy said...

Very glad all went well.