Sunday, June 22, 2008


I slaved over it for an hour last night. I put things together in the daylight hours today for about 3 hours. Finally about 7PM tonight, with the help of a neighbor and my SIL and Daughter, and the two grandchildren, we got the last of the pieces assembled and placed on my back "patio." It's going to be great. It's not pretty, but it's got lots of shade, and that's what I NEED. It was probably 95 this afternoon while I slaved over putting in all but the last 8 bolts. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

I see the ENT tomorrow. Things are better, but I'm still not hearing as well as I should. I'm hoping he has some positive suggestions for improving that.

Finishing up a John Gresham book, "The Chamber." I think I'll have to stay up late and finish it tonight. Only one or two chapters left. I have already taken my night meds though, so I might be drooling soon and unable to have a cohesive thought.

Thanks to all who helped with the pergola today. It's going to be lovely. Between it and my two umbreallas, I have about a 16 by 16 outdoor room to sit int he shade and have breakfast, read, or nap. Love it.

Sending good thoughts out to Randy tonight. Get well soon girl. I'm hoping your new and improved arrangement will give your relief from a lot of discomfort. You're just getting all tuned up for retirement! Put bamboo in the restaurant somewhere. It is supposed to attract money.

Peace to you and all you love.

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