Sunday, January 27, 2008

Special Thanks to All Who Care

I am officially signing off for a couple days, but I have given my daughter directions on how to post to the blog so that she can keep everyone updated. Be kind to her. She will be hanging out with me tomorrow and I pretty much guarantee I'm going to be cranky. She'll have a 7 week old infant to care for as well as herself and me. She will have had to leave the house at 4:45 am, and I'm suspecting that no one in the family is going to be happy about that!

Somewhere, wherever "they" are, they consider this procedure a 23 hour stay. I'm hoping to stay on Tuesday too so Jenn can have a day to rest up at home before she has to come get my butt and take me back to her house and where the drugs won't come in IV.

Thank you Pam for the Vacation in a Bottle! I'm going to look forward to that. My tastebuds are working better these days and when I can putter around and do some stuff for myself, I'll make that treat up one day.

To everyone sending prayers, good thoughts, and white like, or whatever you believe in, thank you. I appreciate so much all the kind folks that have so generously been praying, etc. already. Your efforts are every bit as important as what the surgeon does.

I can feel my energy starting to come back. I am not quite as worthless as I have been being. Hazel and Fred R. -- thank you each for your special "goodbye" to the "girls."

Peace to you and all you love.


Anonymous said...

With so many prayers going to our great God in Heaven, how can anything go wrong! It is an inspiration to read your blog and your responses to other people's woes.

Anonymous said...

Ann, Your kind of wit & wisdom is needed NOW in the I'm ready to read positive posts in your blog on how you're doing!! Mary in Memphis

Susan Tidwell said...

Looking forward to hearing from your daughter, good wishes heading your way.