Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm telling you, I'm getting more and more productive these days. This morning I took care of disability insurance crap that involved Met-Life and the Social Security Administration. It's pretty awful when the SSA people are cheerful and helpful and you can't say that about the people you paid money to for years. But it's taken care of now, and I get to interact soon with Met-Life.

This afternoon I had four dental fillings. I drove myself to the dentist over on Wendy Hill Rd. and home. I didn't have to have any shots and no hypnosis was required. The dentist did it all and I didn't have hardly any discomfort. After years of traumatic dental work leading to years of refusing to get any dental work done, I love my dentist. He is so gentle and so incredibly nice.

Amber you will be glad to know that there is now mulch over the tree bases. Thanks to my next-door-neighbor they're covered in bark. I hope the rain tonight and an hour and a half of slow drip on the most fragile fo the two trees will help it out some.

I'm assembling the baby pergola that I bought but it's going to have to be done on the installment plan. It's pretty challenging assembly in this heat.

I sinned grievously today and will not be able to claim victory in the Weight Watcher's hall of fame today. I've been bad. But it was all GOOD. Mmmmmmm.

Stay cool.


Susan Tidwell said...

I am so glad you are gaining in strength and productivity! It sounds like you are recovering nicely, but this heat would sap anyone's strength, so take it easy.

Anonymous said...

You're getting more done these days that I am, that's for sure!

Your trees will thank you for the mulch - it really will help them by retaining some moisture.

And don't worry about Weight Watchers. You have to indulge every once in a while!