Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baptismal Covenant

Among other promises in the Baptismal Covenant, I have promised to:
(1) proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ,
(2) seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself,
(3) strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human

These are BIG promises that I made. As a Daughter of the King, I have further promised to live by these promises. These are hard promises too.

Each of us finds our own ways of working these promises into our lives. It's different for each person. In some ways for me I feel that I'm a terrible failure. In others I feel I make small in-roads. It's always a struggle on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes I forget this for long periods of time. Sometimes the world THROWS opportunities in my face like a rude pie-in-the-face.

Sometimes it's as simple as giving my snack to some unfortunate soul by the expressway. Sometimes it's trying hard to honor the dignity of a teen who doesn't honor mine. Sometimes I wonder if I shall end up accomplishing #1, by showing others how to die. I hope not. But it lingers on my mind sometimes. I really hope I get to show how to live until I die, but one really doesn't know.

I have goals yet that I want to pursue with regard to the Baptismal Covenant. I hope I get to complete my plans. Yet, you know the little contacts, the little moments, and the little interactions we share with those who we see daily -- those are the moments when our true colors are most easily seen. I don't much worry how others see me in accomplishing these goals, but in the grand scheme of things, I'd like to think that I put more good into the world than I take back out.

When I least want to be generous in spirit is when it's hardest to try and exemplify these goals. I think that God helps us find that generosity, when we least have it available though. That is the magic of the Baptismal Covenant. We are flawed creatures that under the best of circumstances botch these mystical promises up. Yet, if we try, I think we are spiritually given the generosity of Spirit to do better than we might otherwise.

I wish you and those you love, the generosity of spirit to handle more than you might otherwise. And, no matter how well you can, or can not accomplish it, I wish blessings on you and your house.

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